More about Tom

Tom Dewhurst

Tell us more about your experience

As an entrepreneur himself, Tom loves everything to do with Startups. His first business failed and he experienced first hand the pain involved with this process. Having done a business degree at Bath, a stint at Vodafone and Accenture, Tom was determined to set up another business.

​As CEO, Ordoo has given Tom 4 years of operational experience of product, marketing and sales implementation. He is a strategic thinker with an analytical mindset to prioritise and rigorously test his ideas. ​

Having moved to non-exec director, Tom has implemented a performance-based environment focused on the delivery of his strategic plans. He is excited to bring his insight and enthusiasm to other startups and help them take their products to market.

What services do you offer startups?

Commercial operations

Favourite cereal?

Granola (the funkier the better)

Channel Expertise

  1. Business Development
  2. Events
  3. Direct Outreach

Tools Experience

What have previous clients said about you?

I've managed the growth marketing function at Breezy for the last 3 months as they launch their beta. Breezy is an affiliate partner discovery engine, so we're targeting businesses and websites. We've kept it lean, focusing on email, Linkedin outreach and content marketing as channels. Overall, I've generated 150 leads for their beta, who are now converting to customers.

GD has very effectively automated our business development event strategy and has allowed us to scale a process that we were doing monthly to something we can now do much more frequently. The tools have helped us monitor and track uptake and follow-ups much more effectively and freed up the team’s time to think more strategically and build relationships with leads.

Lauren Stewert-Tack, Founder and CEO

Growth Division has been instrumental in delivering a new avenue for downloads of the ClickSit app. They’ve built and executed on successful sales campaigns, with key learnings and processes for us to take forward to help us scale.

Thomas Hill – Founder

With Growth Division’s efforts, the client has ranked first on Google. The team has consistently provided feedback on the quality and reach of its online presence. They’ve also conducted regular meetings and are accessible in the workflow.

Tim Rook – Chief Markets Officer

Growth Division have a model that’s ideal for businesses looking to identify new channels for growth. They’ve brought in growth experts to validate LinkedIn Ads, Facebook/Insta Ads, email marketing and affiliate marketing as growth channels for The high quality of experts and flexible engagement terms means we can run growth experiments and quickly learn what works.

Ryan Rutan, Co-Founder and CMO of

I think it’s very hard to find a growth marketing agency that is willing to help strategise the experimentation required in marketing. Most are competent at putting ads live and providing the metric but Growth Division put the effort in to determine what ads were going to be most effective and adjusted as they learned more. They also price the offering well for different types of clients and stages of startups” “I think it’s very hard to find a marketing agency that is willing to help strategise the experimentation required in marketing. Most are competent at putting ads live and providing the metric but Growth Division put the effort in to determine what ads were going to be most effective and adjusted as they learned more. They also price the offering well for different types of clients and stages of startups.

Theo Inglis – Founder

The breadth and depth of experience on their team – we’ve met and worked with probably 10+ of the GD team at this point and they are all top of their game in their respective fields. This means that they not only execute on our goals but also bring hugely valuable insights and perspectives to our campaigns, that we wouldn’t have thought of.

This is a killer combo and means they add value at every turn. They’re generous with their time and efforts, and treat their clients like they’re a part of the family. One example is how Stephen Johnson, their LinkedIn expert, kindly offered an hour of time for free to help me set up LinkedIn ads from scratch on my own, despite me not “technically” being a client of his.

Sasha Small, Head of Growth

SeedLegals was in a period of high growth and they needed to optimise their sales and marketing processes and systems. They needed to streamline operations to boost the efficiency of the sales process.

This project was more successful than we ever imagined. They helped us to sign up a major high street bank in the UK that has resulted in millions of pounds of revenue for us.
Thanks to Growth Division, we secured a major high-street bank in the UK and generated £2.5 million in revenue, exceeding initial expectations. The team was highly engaged and responsive throughout the engagement. Their reliability and support were key elements of their work.

James Courtney - CEO & Founder of LUX Rewards

Previous clients with Growth Division