We use the Bullseye Framework to identify the highest impact channels to market. These 20 channels represent the options you have to Go-To-market, and our services are aligned accordingly. We also have some strategic services to complement your channel execution.

Phase 1 – Strategic Services

Phase 2 – Bullseye Channel Services

Phase 1 – Benchmarking

Analytics Audit & Setup

To ensure effectiveness of our growth efforts, we must first ensure that tracking is working properly. We will conduct an audit of your bespoke analytics set-up, and ensure that all the activity we will undertake can be reliable monitored and tracked.

CRM Audit & Setup

We’ll dive into your CRM and review the set-up to ensure you’re using it to it’s fullest potential. We’ll have a look at your CRM definitions, pipeline set-ups, workflow usage and more generally review the cleanliness of the system.

Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO)

Before driving traffic to the website we want to ensure you have implemented the best practices for on-site conversions. We will setup optimisation tools for continued testing and improvement.

Competitor Analysis

It’s going to be important for us to understand the competition and what they are doing. We’ll pull together a report on reviewing: website engagements, incoming web traffic sources, traffic sources by channel, search traffic and keywords. This will help drive the strategy in the channel execution we’re undertaking.

Landing Page Audit/Building

When we’re running the channel experiments it’s important we’re sending leads to high converting web pages. We want to guide your web dev team in the creation of high converting landing pages to test different message, this can eventually help with the positioning on the main website.

Phase 1 – Strategy

Brand Strategy/Guidelines

Our brand expert will take you through a 3 hour workshop helping you to define the Why, How, What of your brand. You’ll explore your brands purpose and end up with a Brand Blueprint & Identity Report that will be formative in the decision making and growth processes in your business. You’ll dive into the values personality & tone of voice for your brand.

Customer Research & Positioning

We’ll onboard you on the customer research best practices and conducted 5 customer interviews with you to identify trends that will enable better positioning and product development. We will then send out a survey to verify our findings quantitatively.

Develop Key Messaging

We believe there is always work to do in creating key messaging that will separate you from the competition. We’ll be working on:

– Developing ICPs
– Developing hypotheses for benefits for each ICP
– Develop messaging for each ICP

Pricing Strategy

Our team will work with you on building a pricing strategy that works commercially for your business whilst ensuring you’re presenting an appealing proposition to your prospective customers.

Customer Journey Mapping

We will build a customer journey map in collaboration with your team that we’ll use as the template for building the lead nurturing systems we want to put in place.

Marketing Strategy Documentation

We’ll put together a centralised document of all the Phase 1 outputs and deliverables. This document will be used to onboard the experts and new team members you bring on, guiding people on the growth strategy. It will also serve as a working document for all the team to update on what’s working in our growth plans.

Phase 1 – Setup

Image/Video Asset Creation

Ahead of starting Phase 2 we want to get some key assets and designs in place. We’ll present to you some specific design concepts that will forms some key assets that can be used in the campaigns.

App Store Optimisation (ASO)

Keyword rank analysis, new keyword term database, titles, app copy description, app icon brief, app preview screen brief, feature graphic brief.

Martech Stack Building

Once we have mapped out the ideal customer journey and thought about what tools we need, we can build you a Growth Marketing Stack that will automation engagements with prospects and customers to nurture them along the customer journey.

Reporting Setup

We’ll set-up the reporting infrastructure so we can track each channel and each campaign we’re testing.

Website Design/ Build/Messaging

We’ll sit down with you and work out a bespoke design for your website. Then we’ll get cracking with the build and revisions. You’ll be left with a high-end site that converts.

Phase 2 – Direct

Direct Outreach

This is a B2B growth channel. It’s a highly effective one if you have a really targeted Customer Persona, as you can gather highly relevant data to reach out to.

Trade Shows

In B2B marketing trade shows can be a fantastic way to get in front of a highly relevant audience of potential buyers. You can benefit from brand exposure and if you have the right team at the show you can start some interesting conversations and hopefully generate plenty of leads.


This is a purely B2B marketing channel. Building a sales process and sales team to sell your product can be very effective, especially when it is fueled by a well-oiled lead generation engine. It is sales job to get on the phone and speak directly to customers.

Customer Engagments

This channel is focused further down the funnel, it’s about engaging existing customers to spend more, or remain as a customer for longer. You can use email and notification mechanics to continually re-engage and upsell customers.

Phase 2 – Organic

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

SEO, as the name suggests, is optimising your website to rank more highly on search engines and appear more frequently in searches containing specific words. As you can imagine, this can be quite a technical channel that needs a structured approach led by someone who knows what they’re talking about. The structure of the site, on-site content, number of backlinks, site speed, time on site and social signals are all variables in how search engines will rank your site. If you start ticking these boxes you’ll start to drive cheap, reliable, relevant organic traffic to your site.

Community Building

Building a community around the problem your business is solving can be a very effective way of being the top-of-mind solution when people think about the problem when they experience it. A community can solidify your reputation as a go-to, trustworthy solution. Building a community can also be an effective way to validate a market before launching, then selling into the community when you launch, using the members as early adopters.

Phase 2 – Paid

Offline Ads

Offline ads can range from advertising on public transport networks, to big billboard ads, to ads in magazines, to flyers, to handwritten letters. It can be a highly effective way to advertise if you have a big brand and want to raise awareness in a specific location or to specific demographics. Another use case might be physical businesses (like coffee shops) that want to advertise in a local area.

Paid Social Ads

Social Ads are paid adverts on social media platforms. Display Ads are paid adverts on sites across the Google Display Network (GDN). Targeting on these platforms can be carefully refined to get in front of highly defined audiences, these can be extremely effective at top of the funnel awareness and conversions. GDN is most effective as an awareness play, or to re-market to people who have visited your site.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

SEM is paid advertising on search engines, whether it’s Google AdWords, Bing Ads or other search engines. When people search for specific problems they are facing they have very high intent to purchase a solution. The channel works well if there are high search volumes for specific keywords and low competition on those works.

Phase 2 – Viral

Existing Platforms

This is a bit of an “out-there” channel for growth, the premise is to take advantage of other platforms’ traffic by redirecting it to your site. This could either be by leveraging audiences in Facebook or Slack groups or diverting traffic from other sites and platforms. It can be a bit underhand if not thought through carefully, so be careful when planning this growth marketing channel out.

Unconventional Public Relations (PR)

As you might guess from the name, this is about doing something a bit “out there” to get media coverage or attention. It’s not necessarily the most repeatable strategy but it is one that can get you huge amounts of attention.

Affiliate Marketing

Using affiliate partners can be a hugely scalable and effective way to grow sales as you’re enlisting other marketers to leverage their audience and/or growth skills to make more sales. In return, you give a commission on each sale the affiliate partner makes.

Viral / Referral

Viral marketing, in the context of B2C, or referral marketing, in the context of B2B, can be a highly effective marketing channel to grow your business. By leveraging your existing customer base and their networks you can drive large amounts of relevant traffic.

Business Development

In the terminology used in the Bullseye Framework, Business Development is building partnerships with other businesses who are “fishing in the same (customer) pond” as you. Partnerships have the potential to be very scalable and cost-effective routes to market, as you have other people recommending your business.

Phase 2 – Content


In the original Bullseye Marketing Framework, this was “offline events” but we’ve updated it in the context of a more digitally-focused world. This channel refers to creating your own branded events as a touchpoint in the sales/marketing process. Events can either be used as a top-of-funnel hook or a conversion tactic further down the funnel.

Content Marketing

Content marketing can refer to any number of forms of content from blogs, to videos to infographics. Content is a fantastic channel that can sit across the entire marketing funnel, helping drive awareness, educate prospects and improve conversions.

Speaking Engagments

This channel is more of a B2B focused channel in the context of startups, it’s about getting members of the team to appear in events or shows as guest speakers.

Engineering as Marketing

This is a favourite channel for growth marketers, it’s building a tool to use as some form of “product for prospects”. You might see an opportunity to offer people a useful tool that enables you to capture their email address so you can market to them. This could come in the form of calculators, templated spreadsheets or makeshift tools (using tools like Outgrow).

Target Marketing Blogs

This involves getting mentioned on sites that have high volumes of relevant traffic on them, specifically by getting guest posts on them. This serves three important functions: firstly, it helps drive relevant traffic to your site secondly, it helps build the author’s (and subsequently the company’s) reputation as a thought-leader and finally, it drives up your domain authority through the backlink.

Public Relations (PR)

This refers to more conventional PR, where your company tries to get media coverage at specific, targeted outlets. This could be both paid-for coverage or organic coverage. If you’re targeted in your PR outreach and manage to get exposure on a platform that your target audience reads this can have a massive impact.

Talk to a Growth Advisor

We create a clear, focused marketing strategy by combining our expertise with your knowledge of your business.