More about Tom

Tom Hurst

Tell us more about your experience

I've worked in industries including Wealth tech, Music, Digital training, HR and micro mobility. Recent clients include Makers Academy, Unlock, Musiveral and Retain International.

What services do you offer startups?

Growth strategist package - go-to market strategy, building a growth team and ongoing management of that team.
Customer research - interviews with 10-12 of your customers, insights to inform your messaging and act as the foundation for your marketing. Delivered as an insights deck and workshop focused on how to implement into your business.
Account based marketing (B2B) - strategy and execution of a campaign to specifically target your highest value prospects.

Why do you love building startups?

I believe there's more than a little magic in creating something from nothing and love working with entrepreneurs who are passionate about what they do.

What're the best growth metrics you achieved?

ROI of 200% on marketing spend across a 12 month period for a startup with a new product and a highly targeted B2B audience.

Favourite cereal?

Coco Pops

Channel Expertise

  1. Go-To-Market Strategy
  2. Growth Funnel (AARRR) Optimisation
  3. Content Marketing
  4. Viral Marketing
  5. Business Development
  6. Campaign Management
Growth Division Bullseye

Tools Experience

What have previous clients said about you?

The breadth and depth of experience on their team - we've met and worked with probably 10+ of the GD team at this point and they are all top of their game in their respective fields. This means that they not only execute on our goals but also bring hugely valuable insights and perspectives to our campaigns, that we wouldn't have thought of.

This is a killer combo and means they add value at every turn. They're generous with their time and efforts, and treat their clients like they're a part of the family. One example is how Stephen Johnson, their LinkedIn expert, kindly offered an hour of time for free to help me set up LinkedIn ads from scratch on my own, despite me not "technically" being a client of his.

Sasha Small, Head of Growth

Growth Division’s work has increased our platform sign-ups and decreased the campaign’s customer acquisition cost (CAC). The team was very smart, down-to-earth, and open-minded. Growth Division delivers work on time, communicates clearly, and is responsive to our needs.

Xavier Jameson, Founder Musiversal

What stands out the most about Growth Division is their seamless integration into our team. They’ve transcended the typical marketing agency role and truly feel like an integral part of our team. Their constant transparency, friendly demeanor, responsiveness, and goal-oriented approach erase any notion of them being an external agency. It’s evident that they genuinely prioritise our success.

Rahat Ahmed, Marketing Manager

Previous clients with Growth Division