Introducing Addland – Making it easy to Find, Research, Buy or Sell Land

It may only be in its beta stage, but Addland is already transforming the way land is bought and sold. 

From woodland and farmland to country homes and development land, the Addland platform has it all. Post launch, the brand is making progress fast and we at Growth Division are excited to see them shoot through the stratosphere.

Making it easy 

The Addland team is united by one purpose – to Bring Land To Life. At the heart of everything they do is the belief that land should be visible and accessible to all – and their platform makes it so.

Not only is it an easy and fast way to buy and sell land, Addland places all the vital information for due diligence at your fingertips. This makes the land purchasing process more accessible to first-time buyers and helps commercial buyers  make better decisions with ease.

Addland has built the platform from the ground up, listening to relevant stakeholders to create an indispensable resource. Whether you’re looking for more details on the land you own, land you wish to enhance or repurpose, or land you’d like to buy or sell, Addland is the single destination.

The most advanced tech is often the simplest to grasp, and Addland has achieved this with their advanced mapping tech, imagery and environmental layers  that make for a stunning land showcase in which buyers can quickly see and understand all aspects of a plot that interests them.

Addland uses beautiful dashboards and clean, intuitive layouts, along with the latest tools, data and mapping technology. Everything is streamlined: the browsing experience that entices buyers, the search for specific information, and the sale process itself, which reduces costs for land agents.

Where Addland is now

The Beta  platform is already feature-rich. Users on their membership packages are able to book viewings, make offers and receive search alerts, with those on the Addland Professional  get access to advanced map layers and full environmental reports. 

Addland has made a great impression among sellers. The team has secured several of the UK’s largest land selling agents to list their portfolios on the platform.The platform is ready to amass users and with the supply side of their platform well underway, the focus for Addland now is to quickly build demand. 

The next step

The ball is already rolling, but to get the traction they want, Addland needs to drive land buyers to sign up and purchase through their platform.

To help them achieve this, Addland wanted a team of growth experts who could validate the channels to market and attract the traffic they need. Enter, Growth Division. 

We’re now working with Addland to identify  which channels will rapidly draw in buyers. From casual investors and private buyers to commercial buyers such as property developers, architects and professional acquirers, we’re assessing how to get as many as possible engaged with Addland’s platform. The disruptive groundwork has already been laid, the rapid growth is about to begin.

Check out Addland’s incredible site.

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