Growth Marketing Tools We Love

Growth Marketing is all about setting up processes and following them. Processes for idea generation, processes for experimentation, and processes for analysing and interpreting results.

The great thing is, there are some incredible tools out there right now that can help organise these processes – over the past few years the number of tools available has increased 4500% according to Chief Martech. And even better, these tools are increasingly able to integrate into martech ‘stacks’ that can make your work much, much more efficient.

In this blog we’re going to talk about some of our favourite tools we’ve used on growth marketing projects both for clients and in our own agency’s growth processes.

Why you should be using growth marketing tools

There are two main reasons that you should be using growth marketing tools:

Accuracy – having the right tools in place will give you accurate insights into your audience, your website, app or product performance, your marketing channel performance and your commercial model. With this accurate information you’ll be better equipped to make decisions regarding your product development and user experience, marketing strategy, creative and channel executions, and cross and up-sell work. Better data = better decisions = better business.

Efficiency – having a properly set-up and integrated stack of marketing tools will enable you to be more efficient with your analysis of experiments and reporting. It’ll save you time in legwork assembling the right information to make decisions, and ensure you don’t find yourself trying to reconcile information from different siloed data sources.

Our favourite growth marketing tools

Growth marketing tools are very much horses for courses – we only ever recommend a tool to  a client if it fits their particular needs. So this list shouldn’t be seen as a suite of recommendations for you. It’s simply a collection of some of our favourite tools across the main categories.

CRM – ActiveCampaign
ActiveCampaign is an incredibly powerful CRM and email automation tool that isn’t as well known (or as expensive) as competitors such as HubSpot or SalesForce. It’s particularly useful for eCommerce B2C businesses – its API can plug into your site relatively easily and pull in rich customer data for the purposes of segmentation and automation workflow building. We’ve had great success using it for customer engagement campaigns at a fraction of the cost of some other major CRM systems.

Marketing Automation – Phantombuster
Phantombuster is a great tool for automating painstaking manual tasks such as building social media follow lists. It also integrates nicely with major CRMs and can be incredibly useful as part of an outbound sales strategy that makes use of email and social. There are too many possible uses of Phantombuster to list here so just remember one rule – if it’s a boring manual task, it’s likely you can use Phantombuster to automate it.

Marketing Automation – Zapier
Zapier is a fantastic tool that works to keep all your other tools in sync and up to date. It’s like a glue tool, connecting other web apps and ensuring information flows freely between them. If you have any tools in your stack that don’t have native integration, the likelihood is that Zapier can do it for you. It’s incredibly helpful to avoid being left with silos of data and/or duplication and also saves you time manually updating the same thing across different systems.

Email Marketing – is a multi-channel sales outreach automation tool. It can automate personal sales outreach, calls and tasks to free up the sales team’s time. We’ve not come across a better tool for mass outbound emailing. You can set up one user with 3 separate email addresses, which allows you to run multiple sequences at the same time.You can also easily run A/B and variant tests for subject lines, messaging and CTAs.

It’s got bags of features, isn’t overly expensive and is very quick to set-up too.

Analytics – Databox
There are loads of analytics tools out there and we make use of most of them. Google’s suite of analytics tools – Google Analytics, Data Studio, Search Console etc – are pretty much must-haves.

But here we’re going to talk about Databox. Databox is a tool that pulls in data from spreadsheets and 100s of other tools to track KPIs, objectives and metrics across the business. These can easily be outputted in scorecards that can be shared with the team across Slack or emails. It’s particularly useful for business leaders, managers and team leaders.

Referral Marketing – Viral Loops
Word-of-mouth, referral or viral marketing – generally means the same thing, and it’s something a lot of businesses struggle to measure and improve. Viral Loops can help with that.

It’s a viral marketing platform that can help you launch ranking competitions, sweepstakes, pre-launch and referral programmes. It’s really quick to set up and can help you easily incentivise your current customers to refer others with no or minimal dev effort. 

There are loads of templates you can test out to see which works best for you, and it doesn’t cost much at all.

Project Management – Asana
A key part of successful growth marketing is managing your experiments and ensuring projects are delivered and analysed on time. There are loads of good project management tools out there, but the one we use the most is Asana.

Asana is great for setting up projects and tasks, assigning owners and deadlines, and viewing all that in the way that works best for you – whether that be a list, a Trello-style board, or a traditional Gantt chart. It’s great for keeping on top of what each team member is responsible for and ensuring that experiments are run properly.

Picking the right tools for your business can have an element of trial and error, and it can be hard to evaluate what’s going to help and what’s going to be a hindrance. Part of what we offer at Growth Division is martech stack set-up. We’ve done it dozens of times, for clients across all sectors, and know what tools work best and how to integrate them efficiently. 

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